Document Type : Research Article


Department of Psychology, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran


Background: The recent problems of couples necessitate the greater focus of research in this field on relationships between couples. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of transactional analysis training on communication skills and attribution beliefs of incompatible women in Tehran, Iran.
Methods: The research method was quasi-experimental. The research population included all incompatible women who were referred to the psychological clinics of district 1 of Tehran, Iran in 2020. Thirty women were selected as the sample using convenience sampling and randomly divided into experimental and control groups (n=15 in each group). The experimental group underwent eight sessions (60-minutes sessions per week) of transactional analysis training. The follow-up was performed after 60 days. The research instruments included the Communication Skills Questionnaire, the Relationship Attribution Measure, and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale. Data analysis was conducted using repeatedmeasures ANOVA by SPSS software version 24.0.
Results: The mean± SD of the post-test scores of communication skills and attribution beliefs of incompatible women was (115.93±8.40) and (85.33±13.40) in the experimental group and (87.93±8.53) and (113.23±12.53) in the control group. The results showed that transactional analysis training effectively and persistently improves communication skills and attribution beliefs of incompatible women (p <0.001).
Conclusion: Transactional analysis training can be recommended as an intervention to improve the quality of life of families with computability problems.


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