Document Type : Research Article


Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia


Background: Satisfaction with life indicates an individual’s overall evaluation of life, which is influenced by a range of factors including socio-demographic characteristics, psychological issues, and life experiences.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the main determinants of life satisfaction among young Iranian women.
Patients and Methods: 391 young Iranian women (18 - 35 years) were recruited through cluster convenience sampling to participate in this cross-sectional study. Satisfaction with life (SwL) was used as the dependent variable. Demographic characteristics together with the individual items of the Persian version of the WHO QoL-BREF (World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire-brief version) were used as the independent variables and/or the determinants of SwL.
Results: The analysis showed that young Iranian women’s satisfaction with life was average (19.9 ± 6.4), ranging from 5 to 35. The regression analysis identified higher income, better living conditions, higher level of leisure activities, and satisfactory sexual life as the main predictors of higher satisfaction with life. Satisfaction with life diminishes with increased age, being divorced and/or widowed and being of Lor ethnicity (vs. Fars and Tork ethnicities). On the other hand, those with higher education and/or level of religiosity had a higher satisfaction with life.
Conclusions: In transitional countries, particularly those with different social and cultural situations, identifying and enhancing the main determinants of SwL is of importance in order to improve socially cohesive and robust community.
