Document Type : Research Article


Department of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Background: The effects of participation in sports and physical activities on mental health in menopausal women have been less examined. Therefore, the goal of the current research was to further investigate the effects of participation in sports and physical activities using a Pilates training intervention on mental health and happiness among menopausal women.
Methods: The current research used an experimental method with pre-test and post-test using a control group. Thirty-two menopausal women from Tehran (district 5), Iran, in 2022, who were chosen using a convenience sampling method, participated in the study. The intervention group (n=16) was exposed to three months of Pilates exercises, while those in the control group (n=16) performed their regular daily activities. Mental health and happiness were measured using The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 and The Oxford-Happiness Inventory, respectively, prior to and following the intervention. Independent t-test and analysis of covariance using SPSS version 26 were utilized to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed similar mental health and happiness within both groups at baseline. Moreover, the results revealed that our sample had medium to high symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress at pretest. Furthermore, the participants in the intervention group reported lower depression (P<0.001), anxiety (P<0.001), and stress (P<0.001) as well as higher happiness (P<0.001) following the intervention than the control group.
Conclusions: Based on our findings, it is recommended that menopausal women participate in various sports training courses such as Pilates to improve their mental health status.


How to Cite: Abdoshahi M. The Impact of Pilates Training on Mental Health and Happiness among Untrained Menopausal Women. Women. Health. Bull. 2023;10(2):96-103. doi: 10.30476/WHB.2023.97578.1211.


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