Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Department of Psychology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran


Background: Raising disabled children can lead to significant strain and psychological distress within families, particularly for mothers as primary caregivers. This study aimed to explore the mediating role of parenting stress in the relationship between quality of life and social support in mothers of disabled children.
Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted in 2022. The study population comprised all mothers of disabled children in Kermanshah, Iran. A purposive sampling method was utilized, selecting 379 individuals for the research sample. Data collection tools included the Quality of Life Scale, Social Support Inventory, and Parental Stress Questionnaire. The results were analyzed using SPSS version 27, AMOS version 25, and structural equation modeling (SEM).
Results: The findings revealed a significant positive correlation between social support and mothers’ quality of life (r=0.37; P<0.01). Conversely, a significant negative correlation was observed between social support and parenting stress (r=-0.63; P<0.01), as well as between parenting stress and mothers’ quality of life (r=-0.41; P<0.01). Moreover, the indirect pathway from social support to quality of life, mediated by parenting stress, was significant (P=0.010). The model fit results showed a good fit for our model (CFI=0.98; NFI=0.97; RMSEA=0.065).
Conclusion: The proposed model showed a good fit. Consequently, enhancing social support and reducing parenting stress may improve the quality of life for mothers of disabled children.


Salar Doosti (Google Scholar)

Farzaneh Hooman (Google Scholar), (PubMed)

How to Cite: Doosti S, Hooman F, Bakhtiarpour S, Bavi S. Correlation between Quality of Life and Social Support in Mothers of Disabled Children: Mediation by Parenting Stress. Women. Health. Bull. 2023;10(3):147-154. doi: 10.30476/WHB.2023.98597.1229.


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