Document Type : Research Article


Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


Background: Adolescent girls often struggle with negative body image, leading to rumination and distress. The objective of this investigation was to examine the potential of self-compassion therapy (SCT) to mitigate rumination and bolster distress tolerance in adolescent girls experiencing body image concerns.
Methods: This experimental study comprised all adolescent girls in Ahvaz, Iran, who reported body image concerns in 2023. A sample of 30 adolescent girls was drawn using multi-stage cluster sampling and then randomly allocated to either an experimental (n=15) or a control (n=15) group. Data collection was facilitated using the Ruminative Response Scale and Distress Tolerance Scale. The experimental group participated in a ten-week structured self-compassion training (SCT) program, with one 60-minute session per week. The control group received no intervention. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was employed to assess the impact of SCT on the dependent variables, using SPSS version 25.
Results: At pre-test, both groups reported similar levels of rumination (SCT group: M=64.53, SD=7.59; control group: M=68.26, SD=9.46) and distress tolerance (SCT group: M=31.06, SD=6.86; control group: M=32.06, SD=5.23). After the 10-week SCT intervention, the experimental group showed a significant reduction in rumination (M=36.26, SD=5.57) and a significant increase in distress tolerance (M=66.60, SD=5.02) compared with the control group (P<0.001). SCT was found to be effective in significantly reducing rumination and increasing distress tolerance in adolescent girls with body image concerns (P<0.001).
Conclusion: SCT has demonstrated its efficacy in mitigating rumination and enhancing distress tolerance among adolescent girls confronting body image challenges. The study findings underscored the potential of SCT as a promising intervention for this vulnerable population.


Fatemeh Masoudizadeh: (Google Scholar)

Fariba Hafezi: (Google Scholar)
