Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Sociology, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Department of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Background: The Iranian society is undergoing a transformation towards feminization, leading to shifting expectations and demands from girls towards their families. Umet expectations among girls and family leads to negative personal and social consequences. The present study aimed to investigate the consequences of unmet expectations of girls from their family.
Methods: This was a qualitative study conducted in 2023-2024 in Yazd, Iran. The study participants were 16 girls who were selected through purposive sampling method. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews, and analyzed using thematic analysis method.
Results: The study results showed that in the changing conditions of the family in the context of the study, girls’ expectations from their parents have changed and are increasing. Failure to meet these expectations, which is mostly related to cultural changes, has led to the formation of negative consequences among girls. Consequences of unmet expectations in the form of four themes include boredom, stigma, psychosomatic problems, and poor self-confidence.
Conclusion: In today’s changing society, it is crucial to recognize and address the specific expectations and rights of young girls. Failing to do so in a timely manner can result in severe and irreversible consequences for this demographic. It is imperative for policymakers to identify these needs and prioritize them in order to ensure the well-being and advancement of young girls in the Iranian society.


How to Cite: Sadeghieh S, Kalateh Sadati A. Consequences of Unmet Expectations among Girls in the Family: A Qualitative Study in Yazd, Iran. Women. Health. Bull. 2024;11(4):213-221. doi: 10.30476/whb.2024.102075.1280.


Ahmad Kalateh Sadati: (Google Scholar), (PubMed)


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